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Fractals and generative art talk

Published on 10 May 2009

iMac Droste

6pm on Thursday 14th May at the Apple Store in Glasgow.

I'm going to be talking about creating fractals and generative art on the Mac. I'll be focussing on demonstrating some of the many open-source apps and scripts freely available. There will be lots of pretty pictures and animations and no mathematical or programming experience will be required.

Hopefully it will sow a few seeds for the curious to go away and explore the world of fractal and generative art themselves.

A write-up is now online.

  Last updated: 14 May 2009


  • leerraum commented at 11 May 2009 at 09:27

    hey nice, a pity that I'm not living in glasgow.

  • Tomek Augustyn commented at 12 May 2009 at 13:41

    I am 100% coming!

  • Andrew Donaldson commented at 12 May 2009 at 15:53

    Could you not get it a little closer to North Glasgow? Pfft!

    Well, distance issues aside, I'm looking forward to it!